On Tap: A Rapturous Rendez-vous With Ressource

Last week, four French brands Ressource, Maison Sarah Lavoine, THG-Paris and Élitis co-hosted a revolving “Rendez-vous” event to celebrate their latest products and collaborations with each other. Throughout the day, guests leisurely traveled between regions in France via the D&D elevator, immersing themselves in unique wine pairings, product and people. In the THG-Paris Showroom, Élitis […]
Al Fresco; Inside Out

A misty morning ushered the trade hurriedly indoors for the morning keynote, while a sunny afternoon greeted cocktail-clad guests at Kettal’s sunset terrace party. The D&D Spring Market explored the pleasures of al fresco, celebrating indoor-outdoor design with an ‘in’ crowd and out-of-this-world conversations. The beauty of al fresco design was captured within three Keynote […]