Stars of Design Dinner 2017

Like the real thing, stars of design are forged over years of hard work; the right mix of elements and a little magic. At the D&D Building, our Stars of Design are acknowledged for their accomplishments in Interior Design, Graphic Design, Photography, Product Design, Architecture, Landscape Design, Art and Lifetime Achievement. Now in its 10th […]
The Ultimate First Timers Guide to Fall Market

There’s something about fall that makes us feel like it’s time for new beginnings; new opportunities for inspiration, growth and learning. The D&D Building’s Fall Market 2017 is the ultimate tool for a stylish twist on interiors education. This two-day event may be annual, but each year it offers new experiences, expert programming and inspiring […]
Final Chapter: PDC Fall Market Take Aways

Cohen Design Centers’ Fall Market season is a go — but the PDC Fall Market 2017’s “L.A.’s Stories” is a wrap. With over 1,160 happy attendees, Go Design Go can confidently say the L.A. story was well received. Although there was a brief West-Hollywood wide power blackout, the one-day event could not be dimmed. The […]
PDC Fall Market 2017: Something To Write About

Los Angeles has always been something to talk about; and now, more than ever, it’s something to write about. L.A., the vibrantly mixed marketplace for design in all of its’ forms, introduces two new artistic publications to its current repertoire and to the PDC’s Fall Market participants. Meet LALA and DesignLA: each publication shares the […]
PDC Fall Market Showroom Spotlight

With over 100 showrooms featuring events and open houses during PDC Fall Market it’s hard to pick the better from the best! GDG gets in-depth looks at two showrooms that embrace their L.A. stories and are participating in PDC Fall Market. Jobst Blachy, C.E.O for Quintus, a luxury homegood brand featuring everything from tables and […]
Sneak Peak: PDC Fall Market Preview

Come early and stay late at this year’s PDC Fall Market! The PDC and its showrooms are rolling out the red carpet to engage their community of designers with a full day of not-to-be missed programs and events. PDC Fall Market provides a second opportunity during the year to formally invite professionals into the PDC […]
PDC Fall Market Keynote Participants Share Their L.A. Story

Los Angeles is experiencing an extraordinary artistic and cultural renaissance, evident through its reinvigorated creative spirit and elevated global significance. The PDC spotlights the worldwide imprint of this ‘L.A.-centric’ period by featuring the stories of innovators making it happen in the DDB, PDC, DCH and DCOTA’s 2017 Fall Markets. The panelists within the three relevant […]
On Tap: Lladró’s Redesign Revelry

The Party: Adding some flavor! Lladró partnered with creative brands Flavor Paper, Brabbu and Vosay to create a vibrant and lively environment for the celebration of their recently redesigned showroom. The evening fête was packed full of people, notable designers, and even a pup and a parrot! The People: Interior Designers such as Arlene Angard, […]
9 DDB Showrooms Celebrate British Heritage

With more than 130 showrooms, the DDB is home to interior design brands and manufacturers that represent countless countries and cultures. Last week, nine companies within the design center teamed up with NYC&G, the U.K. Department for International Trade and RIBA-USA to present “Discover Great British Design on 59th.” This first-ever, multi-showroom event set out […]
What happens when 100 designers lend their expertise to one book?

Since its publication six months ago, there has been much buzz surrounding Carl Dellatore‘s Interior Design Master Class. To continue the celebration of the highly educational publication, Traditional Home style editor Krissa Rossbund moderated a discussion with Carl and three decorative arts icons who penned essays in the book: Hollyhock owner Suzanne Rheinstein, who is known for a signature style […]