New DDB Design Professionals Program Director

Ozarks Native, Interiors expert, and lover of minimalist design, Dallas Bonds is thrilled about his new role as Design Professionals program director at the D&D building. New York City life isn’t new to Dallas; he moved here as a 16-year-old and quickly grew accustomed to the pace and design scene. Having worked both on his […]
Collection Attention: ‘The Tribal Collection’ By Vaughan

Mother-daughter duo Lucy and Emma Vaughan journeyed around the world to absorb inspiration and collect textiles to produce their very first collection together – The Tribal Collection. The collection offers an array of lampshades, pillows and chairs that were inspired by cultures and artisans the Vaughans encountered in their travels, with some of their Vaughan […]
DCOTA 2018 Fall Market Preview

The design world is finally embracing the not-so-novel idea of bringing approachable, durable and stylish furniture into the home. The new idea of “luxury” juxtaposes a client’s personality with their lifestyle needs- where form and function coexist. Some of us are ready to ditch the heels and pay attention to what sticks. The 2018 DCOTA […]
Fall-ing for Furnishings!

As part of Fall Market celebrations, Pacific Design Center debuted new showrooms and product introductions to launch the autumn season. Jumping right in- Arte previewed a new Takara botanical wallcovering collection featured in their recently opened showroom in partnership with Thibaut and Egg & Dart. The brands are proud of the showroom’s knowledgeable team, thousands […]
Collection Attention: ‘Painter Series’ By Weitzner

20 years ago, artist, product designer and founder of Weitzner Limited, Lori Weitzner met artist Pamela Smilow and fell in love with her work. Fast-forward to present day, and Weitzner Limited has released a “Painter Series’ textile and wallcovering collection which features work from various artists, including Pamela Smilow. As a painter and lover of […]
Poetic Patterns of Fall

By joining forces, storied UK fabric brand, Morris & Co and Swedish clothing brand, H&M execute the perfect modernization of archival prints from the mid-19th century–prints that once dressed rooms, now dress people. With their trend savviness and focus on accessibility, H&M was the perfect launch pad in the preservation and revival- not a makeover- […]
Imagination Brought to Life

Textile brand Villa Nova recently released its very first children’s collection, but it’s far from childish. The sophisticated ‘Picturebook’ collection is inspired by the wonderfully intricate work of three children’s Picturebook illustrators, Frann Preston-Gannon, Christopher Corr, and Yuval Zommer. (From Left) Frann Preston-Gannon, Yuval Zommer and Christopher Corr Each illustrator’s original work was enhanced into […]
Go Design Go’s New Digital Editor

Go Design Go has a new Digital Editor at the helm. Isabelle Harrington will be taking on the role with a deep-rooted passion for the design industry and digital savviness. Her unique perspective is informed by her eye for design and curiosity to discover. Isabelle sits in the Marketing and Management Office at the D&D […]
A Collected Life

Interior Design has taken a turn for the personal. Clients no longer want cookie cutter spaces that look like a catalog; they want to feel at home. Designers assume the awesome responsibility of translating the client’s personality, taste, preferences and possessions into highly curated, deeply personal dwellings that are an extension of their inhabitants. One […]
Designer To The Rescue: Young Huh Interiors

Each year’s Kips Bay Decorator Show House is full of elegant salons and spacious bedrooms and dining areas that lend themselves to grand decorating. But not every designer chosen to participate gets such a lucky assignment. And sometimes, smaller spaces and awkward proportions generate the most design ingenuity. Here, Young Huh, DDB Spring Market panelist, tells how in 2014 she transformed a […]